Legal notice
Holzleb’n Holiday Village
Responsible for the content
Feriendorf Holzleb’n GmbH
Irene und Josef Fischbacher
Unterbergstraße 1
5611 Großarl
Tel: +43 6414 2130
Fax: + 43 6414 213 44
Location of business license
Unterbergstraße 1
5611 Großarl
ATU71 43 23 36
Registration number
FN 458821
Commercial Court of registration
Landesgericht Salzburg
Chamber affiliation
Wirtschaftskammer Salzburg, Mitgliedsnummer: 4166142
Josef und Irene Fischbacher
Legal basis: Austrian Hotel Regulations
Cathrine Stukhard
Österreich Werbung Peter Burgstaller/Leo Himsl/Volker Preusser/Reinhold Leitner
Tourismusverband Salzburg GmbH
Eisriesenwelt GmbH
Gasteinertal Tourismus GmbH
Festung Hohensalzburg
Hochbrandbahn-Trail-Erwin Haiden
Verein Berg-Gesund
Erlebnisberg Großarl
Schladming Dachstein-Tourismus/Armin Walcher
Hoamalm Großarl
Johannes Kernmayer
Unsplash / Camylla Battani
Unsplash / Tatiana Moreeva
Unsplash / Kyle Nieber
Unsplash / Alex Bodini
pixabay / suju
Alte Post (Matthias Warter)
Website Concept & Marketing Management
member of MUOOT identity and marketing for hotels
Hohenrainstraße 4
A 8042 Graz
Webdesign & Programming
Webdesign: Katrin Fürnschuß
Programming: Hannes Etzelstorfer
All items of information displayed on these pages reserve the right of amendment. All prices are given in euro. Price changes or errors in prices or package offer times are subject to change.
Data protection
Your personal data will of course be handled with confidentiality and not forwarded to third parties.> GDPR
Disclaimer to links
Despite careful control of contents we cannot accept liability for the contents of external links. The operators of the linked pages are exclusively responsible for their Contents.
The content of this website is copyright protected. The provision of contents and picture material from this website to other websites is permissible only with the express consent of the editorial department. All statements made on this website were made to the best of our knowledge and checked for their correctness. Nevertheless, errors of content and facts cannot be entirely excluded. The website operator accepts no guarantee or liability for the correctness, current accuracy or completeness of the information displayed. All statements are made without guarantee.
Mandatory information according to the Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council:
Follow this link to the website of the European Commission’s entity for online dispute resolution for consumer disputes: – further information is available if you follow the link. Should you have any initial questions concerning a potential dispute resolution, please email us at